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Graphic My Ratings Recommended for Mature Readers4 star rating

(170,000 words)  Unsuspecting victims wake up in a jungle setting, with no memory of how they arrived there.  Worse still, they suddenly find themselves being targeted by an unseen and brutal hunter, victims in a cruel and deadly game.

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Deadly Simulation

Deadly Simulation My Ratings Recommended for Mature Readers4 1/2 Star Rating

(98,000 words)  Sequel to Graphic, in which the horrors of Vince Vanderman’s island of carnage continue.  When a trio of intrepid truth-seekers ventures to the forbidden island, they find a new twist on all the reported horrors of the past – invisible robotic creatures hunt and kill unsuspecting, innocent victims, and the fight for survival begins…

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Fair Game

Fair Game My Ratings Recommended Restricted to Mature Readers only!5 stars

(80,000 words)  A murderer is on the loose in the town of Greenrock, and the body count of young blonde models is rising rapidly…  A Christian cop and his partner must act quickly to save lives.

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Just Me

Just Me My Ratings Recommended for Mature Readers4 1/2 Star Rating

(90,000 words)  Sequel to Fair Game sees a killer yet again on the loose, and the bodies are piling up…  But this time, the Christian detective and his partner are living with dark secrets of their own as they seek to catch the killer and end the spiraling death-toll.

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The Legacies We Leave Ourselves

The Legacies We Leave Ourselves My Ratings Very Mild Violence - accident5 stars

(120,000 words)  The story of Andy Harrison, a man battling with the death of his childhood sweetheart – a death for which he blames himself.  When a light plane is lost on the top of a foggy mountain, Andy must battle the dangers of the mountain and the same flooding river that claimed the life of his one true love – in order to save those who are lost.   A story of love, loss and adventure, and with a stunning hidden twist – brilliant reading!

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Quicksand by I Q Cameron My Ratings Moderate Violence3 1/2 Star Rating

(120,000 words)  In the year 2036, scientists perfect the art of time travel, and send a man back to the 1950’s as a test.  However, the man becomes obsessed with President John F. Kennedy, and sets out to save the president from assassination.  Take a look at the assassination through the eyes of a man who would intervene… Find out who Oswald really was…  Find out who really did it…

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Ripples by I Q Cameron My Ratings Moderate Violence3 1/2 Star Rating

(62,000 words)  Sequel to Quicksand . A traitor within USTECH has sold time-travel technology to the Chinese, who have sent agents to the past to intervene in history. The US president must also intervene to prevent major world catastrophes...

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The Pact

The Pact by I Q Cameron My Ratings Recommended for Mature Readers4 star rating    New Release!

62,000 words) 

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Island Company

Island Company by I Q Cameron My Ratings Recommended Restricted to Mature Readers only!5 stars

62,000 words)  Linford Industries has assembled a training camp for its elite, on Virginia Linford's own private island, Valkyrie. But someone doesn't want them to finish... A cruel and sadistic killer is methodically and brutally killing each candidate, and the quest for power becomes a struggle for survival...  Packed with action, thrills and with the most amazing twist yet.

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The Penthouse

The Penthouse by I Q Cameron My Ratings Recommended Restricted to Mature Readers only!4 1/2 Star Rating

62,000 words)  When Sirhan Khan comes to Washington D.C., things begin to explode - literally. Known only to the FBI as Mirage, Khan sets about making a reputation for himself as a vicious and prolific terrorist, killing and destroying civilian, police and military targets.  But just what is his true motive...?  Bet you can't guess...

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Novels by Genre on this page

Multiple Murders, Action, Thriller

New Release!!!  Just Released! - The Pact

Conspiracy, Multiple Murders, Action, Thriller


Adventure Romance


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New Release!!!   Just Released! - The Pact

The Pact  4 star rating  Recommended for Mature Readers

Multiple Murders, Action, Thriller

(170,000 Words)

Set near Kejimkujik National Park in Nova Scotia, Canada.

A group of young adults are being systematically attacked while hiking in the woods of eastern Canada. But more intriguing than even the horror of the attacks is what is attacking them... Horrid 'alien' monsters threaten to kill them all unless they can reach the safety of a log cabin owned by one of the teens.

But there is more here than first meets the eye... And as the body-count escalates, it becomes worth considering whether monsters can be... human as well as 'alien'.

TThis story contains a basic Christian message about who Jesus is, and how He can save us - both in this life and in the life to come.

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