Deadly Simulation (Sequel to Graphic)
Fair Game
Just Me (Sequel to Fair Game)
The Legacies We Leave Ourselves |
The Pact
Ripples (Sequel to Quicksand)
Island Company
The Penthouse
This is new!!!
Multiple Murders, Action, Thriller
(170,000 Words)
Set near Kejimkujik National Park in Nova Scotia, Canada.
A group of young adults are being systematically attacked while hiking in the woods of eastern Canada. But more intriguing than even the horror of the attacks is what is attacking them... Horrid 'alien' monsters threaten to kill them all unless they can reach the safety of a log cabin owned by one of the teens.
But there is more here than first meets the eye... And as the body-count escalates, it becomes worth considering whether monsters can be... human as well as 'alien'.
This story contains a basic Christian message about who Jesus is, and how He can save us - both in this life and in the life to come.
Read a synopsis and some select passages
Read the free portion of The Pact.
Purchase the pdf conclusion toThe Pact.